

For children, commercial dosage forms can be limiting.

Most commercially available medications were developed with the intention of being used by adults and therefore can be unpleasant, ill-tasting, or difficult to take. In such situations, compounding can provide appropriate dosage alternatives, which may include the following:

Transdermal preparations
Rapid-dissolve tablets


The comforting alternative.

One of the most widely used pediatric dosage alternatives is transdermal gel for nausea and vomiting. No child likes to use a suppository, and compounding provides options where commercial medicine leaves a gap. For example, promethazine is a frequently used medication for symptoms of nausea and vomiting. It can easily be incorporated into a topical preparation, which is rubbed into the wrists or other
thin-skinned areas, eliminating the unpleasant experience of a rectal suppository. 

These alternative palatable formulations are more likely to improve a child’s medication therapy compliance and minimize spillage or waste during administration. Greater medication compliance leads to improved medical outcomes.

Other ways Eastern States Compounding helps children:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Diaper Rash
Fungal Infections

Head Lice
Molluscum Contagiosum
Nausea & Vomiting
Topical Anesthesia

Find the right solution for you.

Eastern States Compounding works closely with you, whether you’re a patient looking for more effective medication, or a provider looking for the best solutions for your patients.